Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Speak Reading Quiz

    misunderstood - nobody understands what Melinda is going through, everyone assumes that she simply crashed the party when in reality she had a real problem
    lonely - Melinda doesn’t have any friends in high school except for Heather, her parents aren’t even there for her most of the time and not many people like her.
    isolated - Other people push her away but at the same time, she pushes herself away from everyone and doesn’t try to make friends. If she talked about what really happened, everything would probably be a lot better.
    sarcastic - Melinda tends to talk in a tone that is joking despite what she must be going through
    hurt - Melinda’s been badly hurt mentally and physically by what happened at the party by what she refers to as IT.

i think the best word to describe Melinda is isolated. She doesn’t have many friends but she doesn’t really try to make any. Heather’s her only friend but Melinda doesn’t really care about her. Not entirely. She doesn’t try to reason or explain to anyone about the party, she just lets them hate her. and in turn they avoid Melinda and she remains isolated. Its not only her or the incident with the party. for example, “She’s creepy. What’s wrong with her lips? it looks like she has some sort of disease or something.” This is said by a Martha, one of the groups in the school that has a reputation for good deeds and yet Melinda is automatically cut from the group.